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Biodata Covering Letter Samples

Sample 1:

We got your reference from XXX. We are interested in your XXX (daughter / son / sister / brother, etc.)

Describe yourself / family (in short)

Attached is my detail biodata with contact details. We hope to get a positive reply from you soon.

Sample 2:

I found your profile very interesting & wish to pursue it further.

Describe yourself / family (in short)

After going through my detailed biodata, if you are also interested in me then let’s talk on the phone to see how things work out. My contact details are mentioned in my biodata.

Sample 3:

I got your proposal from XXX. As I was looking for a spouse with similar interests, I think ours can be a good match.

Describe yourself / family (in short)

If you find my biodata intriguing, then contact me. If everything works out right, then we could be that ‘made for each other’ couple.

Sample 4:

Your profile matches the requirements I would want in my spouse. So I am sending my detail biodata for your reference.

Describe yourself / family (in short)

If you are also interested in me, please contact me through the various contact details mentioned in the biodata.

Sample 5:

I am interested in your profile. So I am sending you my detail biodata.

Describe yourself / family (in short)

If you are interested in taking things forward to the next step, you can get in touch with me or my family members.

Sample 6:

We like your profile & are interested in further communicating with you. I am sending you my detail biodata.

Describe yourself / family (in short)

If my biodata meets your expectation, then let’s have a telephonic conversation.

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